Monthly Archives: March 2012

The World God Only Knows – The Endgame Approaches! Can Keima Take Ayumi Home?


Today we take a look at the manga series The World God Only Knows, in which the end of the last Goddess hunt has quickly been approaching.

This has been one of the more difficult captures of the series, since most of Keima’s rules seem to have rapidly broken down around him. Yet he still maintains that sticking to a plan is the best way to complete the capture, which I had a lot of trouble believing until now.

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Bleach – Nation Mourns Whats-His-Face

Bleach 486

Maybe if he had some practice with the damn thing...

How many times have I brought up how little I know about Bleach? I don’t know, but it’s definitely less than 486 times. Well now we have a chapter where almost everyone reading is having the same reaction I usually have to major events. Sasakibe’s recent death came right out of nowhere, and it strongly gave the impression that it was done to allow one or two plot developments later on, rather than for any emotional response. Sure, that happens all the time in stories, but the audience shouldn’t know you’re doing that. Death is supposed to be tragic, not something to move the story out of convenience, so no matter why someone dies, the default response should be one of tragedy. Read the rest of this entry

Invasion! Squid Girl – Review

I keep referring to the series as Squid Girl and the character as Ika Musume. Is that weird?

I’m a little more nervous about this video than usual, both because it’s my first review made with Audacity and because I’m discussing a gag series. It’s difficult to come up with much to say about something like this, but I think I manage it fairly well all things considered. I really liked how well some of the pictures fit together in particular.

Fairy Tail – Relationship Values

That sound you hear is a mix of a million squees and four million hisses.

Is romance something you think about a lot? When you read an manga or watch an anime, how much thought goes into the potential partners that could come about? I know when I was younger, I was much more into shipping and everything it entailed, so I know the mindset that goes into it. Now it’s something that happens very rarely unless I can clearly see a romantic subplot. Sure, sometimes I’ll wonder about romance in other series, but it’s less “Should Yuuki hook up with Zero or Kaname?” and more “Could Yuuki be having sex with both of these guys and get away with it?”. You know, weird theories and ideas like that. Read the rest of this entry

10,000 Page Views! Most Views in One Day!

Don’t ask me how it happened, but the website suddenly hit two milestones at once! I was waiting for the site to reach 10,000 views, and it was by chance that the Negima finale post came out when it did. Actually, that post didn’t have as many hits as I might have thought, so the large traffic that day was still mildly confusing. Not that I’m complaining, since it’s always good to see people viewing my old work. Read the rest of this entry