Category Archives: Series

The World God Only Knows – Time and Relative Dimensions in Space

Out of the 4000 versions of time travel Keima has seen, this is his 244th least favourite.

Most people are familiar with so many different styles of time travel that the use of the term itself can inspire groans. With all the questions that need to be answered before you send your characters through time, you can easily come up with a well developed system just by answering the most basic of them. Just in the last two chapters of The World God Only Knows, we’ve gotten enough information so that we can figure out how things are supposed to work, and we can also get a good idea of what the series will need to establish in the chapters to come. Read the rest of this entry

Soul Eater – The Gathering Storm

Soul Eater 100

Maka is slowly turning into something out of Touhou.

With Maka and crew finally making their way to the moon, Kidd’s team returning after meeting up with the society of witches, Crona having traveled here to find the Kishin, and Excalibur doing something somewhere, the conditions of this arc are quickly turning into something very much like a final battle. I knew this whole encounter on the moon would be very important in the grand scheme of things, but since Maka and Crona were away from that battle, it was difficult to imagine this as anything conclusive. Now things are slowly resembling a scenario I’ve seen several times before at the ends of shonen, which is where every available character gathers in one location to brawl until one side runs out of guys. Read the rest of this entry

Five Point Podcast – Black Jack (2004)

The new video I did with the guys over at the Five Point Podcast. It was fun chatting with them, especially since we seemed to have similar experiences with the show. I don’t really dislike the character of Black Jack, but with only three episodes to work off of we just went with what we knew.

What I Learned From The Aniblog Tourney

Well, that’s a wrap. Shades of Grey officially lost in the second round of the tournament against Unmei Kaihen. It’s essentially what I expected going in, since I’m not a very popular blogger and some of the other people participating are very well known. Honestly, I didn’t think I would do well even at the start. I even had a picture picked out before the first match started in case I lost.

I had some fun and managed to avoid most of the DRAMA!!!, so I’d say it was a good experience. However, there’s still something that’s been bugging me about the whole thing since the first match started. It may very well be the question that’s been hanging over this website since it began: how exactly does a manga blog get attention? Read the rest of this entry

Catching Up on Things – Seven Posts in One

So my exams for this year have finally ended, and now I’m free from all that stuff for another few months. Now all I have to worry about is my GPA and work and my website and countless other things. I suppose this is what being an adult means. Well at least I can be an adult and still enjoy manga the way I do. Since I’ve had difficulty talking about the most recent manga chapters lately, I thought I would make a post briefly discussing the things I might have blogged about had I not been busy. These won’t be as long as my normal posts, but I thought I should do a little catching up regardless.

One Piece – Caesar Clown’s Playhouse

His favourite song is Jumpin' Jack Flash, in case you were wondering.

Enemies in One Piece tend to fall all over the morality scale, from honorable soldiers like Smoker to professional killers like Rob Lucci to complete sadists like Moria. What I found interesting about Caesar Clown (aside from the name, of course) is that he’s managed to convince people he’s much more honorable and less insane than he really is. Listening to Brownbeard talk about him, you would almost think he was a decent guy with a passionate love for science. Of course one look at him shows that he’s every bit as insane and sadistic as the term “passionate love for science” would imply. This series used to tiptoe around the use of drugs and WMDs, which makes Clown’s behaviour feel all the more extreme and cruel. I honestly think all of Luffy’s training will have been worth it just so we can see him punch this guy in the face properly. Read the rest of this entry