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Fairy Tail – Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds

Fairy Tail 272

I'd show the actual conclusion, but I can't bear to look at it again, so here's some fanservice.

I am not an easy person to piss off. It really takes a lot of concentrated effort to get me to hate something. But there is one thing that has always and will always get me angry, and that’s when a series makes it look like it has gotten better, then proving that it hasn’t. The best example of this is actually from this very series a few months ago, when they actually addressed my question of how Lucy’s summon spirits were affected by the timeskip. I was briefly impressed that it actually looked into that…and then they used it as an excuse to cut off the training arc. Dammit, my ideas should never be used for evil. Somehow, though, Fairy Tail has managed to top itself.

WHAT THE HELL, MASHIMA?! WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL?! Read the rest of this entry